Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Diggin this song. it must be heard.

Madlib on the boards and soul sister Erykah Badu on the vox present to us a real rugged and raw joint from Badu's new album New Amerykah Part One. QUALITY QUALITY QUALITY QUALITY QUALITY. You'd have be a fool to not check this track out. can I stress this enough?

I can't stop bangin this one like i'm some kind of nympho/
beautiful voices over madlib instrumentals/
it's so sinful it's soul in full/
windows open letting in new info/
we know, we grow, hearts we win those/
everybody just go....

it's bigger than religion, HIP HOP
it's bigger than my nigga, HIP HOP
it's bigger than the government
this one is for Dilla, HIP HOP
this one is the healer, HIP HOP

"you don't have to believe everything you think, we've been programmed wake, up we miss you."